Michael Florig

Contact michael at florig dot net

Academic affiliation Associate faculty, Department of economics, École polytechnique, France

Research by topic


·      Market equilibrium with management costs and implications for insurance accounting, with O. Gossner, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 2024

·      Double comptabilisation des frais de gestion sous Solvabilité II, with O. Gossner, Risques, No. 133,  2023

·     Unintended consequences of German stock delisting legislation, with O. Gossner, CREST Working Paper 2023-01

·      Slack in incomplete markets with nominal assets: a symmetric proof, with M. Meddeb, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43, 640-655, 2007

Indivisible goods

·     Walrasian equilibrium as limit of a competitive equilibrium without divisible goods, with J. Rivera, Journal of Mathematical Economics ,84, 1-8, 2019

·      Existence of a competitive equilibrium when all goods are indivisible, with J. Rivera, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 72, 145-153, 2017

·      Core equivalence and welfare properties without divisible goods, with J. Rivera, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 46, 467-474, 2010

·      Arbitrary small indivisibilities, Economic Theory, 22, 831-843, 2003

Survival assumption

·      Hierarchic competitive equilibria, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 35, 515-546, 2001, see also Corrections to hierarchic equilibria, 2001

·      On irreducible economies, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 61, 183-199, 2001

·      A note on different concepts of generalized equilibrium, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 19 245-254, 1998

Imperfect competition

·      Nonexistence of duopoly equilibria: a simple numerical example, with J.M. Bonnisseau, Journal of Economics, May 2005

·      Existence and optimality of oligopoly equilibria in linear exchange economies, with J.M. Bonnisseau, Economic Theory, 22, 669-725, 2003

Linear exchange economies

·      Boundary behaviour of equilibria for linear exchange economies, with J.M. Bonnisseau, Journal of Convex Analysis, 12, 2005

·      Equilibrium correspondence of linear exchange economies, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 120, 97-109, 2004

·      Differentiability of equilibria for linear exchange economies, with J.M. Bonnisseau and A. Jofré, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 109, 264-288, 2001

·      Continuity and uniqueness of equilibria for linear exchange economies, with J.M. Bonnisseau and A. Jofré, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 109, 237-263, 2001

Past academic positions

·      1999-2017 Maître de conférences, applied mathematics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France (on leave 2002-2017) 

·      1998-1999 Visiting Professor of mathematics, Faculty of economics, University of Vigo, Spain 

·      1997-1998 Research fellow, CONICYT, Dept. mathematical engineering, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile 

·      1995-1998 Research fellow, French Ministry of Research , University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France


·      2015 Habilitation à diriger des recherches, applied mathematics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 

·      1997 Doctorat (PhD), applied mathematics,  University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

·      1995 DEA Modélisation et méthodes mathématiques en économie (M.Sc.),  University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne